By: Ivonne Sanchez | BLOG.IVONNE.CA BY | IVONNE
Published on: August 31, 2022 7:45 PM
Do you have a love-hate relationship with your eyebrows? If so, you're not the only one. Many women struggle to find their perfect brows day in and day out. Some of us may be blessed with naturally thick, arched, and nicely shaped eyebrows, but most of us aren't so fortunate. Thankfully, this is where eyebrow tattoos or microblading come into play. These methods are great for anyone who wants to amp up their natural brow game and get an unnatural looking result at the same time. But what about those of you who don't want to take that step? What about those of us who just can't find our perfect brows no matter how hard we try?
Depending on your brow shape, you may be able to choose from a number of different eyebrow designs. Here are some of the most popular silver eyebrow designs:
Finding your perfect eyebrow shape is the best way to go about getting the perfect brows. If you find that you have the shape and thickness you desire, you won't have to go through the hassle of tattooing and then dealing with the healing process, only to possibly have to go back and have it corrected later. Many beauty salons will offer eyebrow shaping as a service and can help you find your perfect eyebrow shape, depending on your face shape.
Tattooing is a semi-permanent way of adding colour and thickness to your brows. This method is great for anyone with naturally sparse brows or anyone whose brow hair is a bit thin and sparse. No matter how many times you tweeze or wax your brows, the thin hairs will always grow back.
microblading is a semi-permanent solution that involves a technician using a handheld micro-blade device to add hair strokes to your brows. This method is great for anyone with naturally thick brows who wants to add some extra volume and depth to their brows.
Conclusion: Whether your hair is red, brown, blonde, or gray you have options, and that doesn't mean parting ways with your beautiful silver. Brows are an incredibly important part of one's facial appearance, and they're something that a lot of people don't fully understand. While they're an intricate part of your face, they're also an important part of your personality. Your eyebrows can help to tell a story about who you are and what you're all about. If you're interested in enhancing or changing the way your brows look, make sure you do your research before going in for your appointment.