All About AnteAGE With Daria Sanchez | IVONNEĀ®

All About AnteAGE With Daria Sanchez

Author By: Ivonne Sanchez | BLOG.IVONNE.CA BY | IVONNE

Published on: March 31, 2018 1:48 PM

Hello beautiful people. ♥

You may have seen my face before - I am the official model of IVONNE®, Daria Sanchez. I am beyond excited to have the opportunity to engage with you today!

You may have noticed something new and shiny at our clinic. We brought new products aimed to complement your beauty routine and healthy lifestyle. The first products stocked at our clinic were an amazing skin care line called AnteAGE. Have you heard about it before? I didn't either... until a week ago. When the clinic sent me an email introducing the products, I was floored - the results were incredible. I just needed to make a blog post about it and introduce it to all you beauties!

What is AnteAGE?

AnteAGE is an anti-aging skin care system that is the result of advances in Stem Cell science and years of scientific lab-tested and peer-reviewed research.

A stem cell is, "a master/mother" cell found within various tissues of the body. Stem cells have the unique ability to replicate over and over, as well as differentiate into specialized cells and tissues such as muscle, cartilage, bone, nerve, etc. One very special population of stem cells has the ability to repair and regenerate damaged tissue at any site of injury in the body."

AnteAGE products, however, do not contain any stem cells or cell parts at all. What they do contain is a mix of bio-signals. They are harvested and used separate from the cell keeping AnteAGE products 100% cell free. AnteAGE products are also paraben free, FD&C dye free, and sulfate free.

Bio-signals are the language of Stem Cells which maintains skin health in our youth. The correct mix of these signals, called Stem Cytokines, creates a natural and youthful healing response at the deepest level of your skin - no matter how old you are!

How do AnteAGE products work?

When we age, our ability to repair and recover from daily damage to our skin lessens. AnteAGE harnesses the regenerative power of youthful human stem cells to reverse damage to skin from sun, chemicals, environment, gravity, pollutants, injury, and poor diet, etc., and support skin health long term.

AnteAGE products use bio-signals from bone marrow stem cells to spearhead healing and drastically reduce inflammation. Only a small amount of bone marrow stem cells are used to isolate the bio-signals needed to heal and recover the skin.

What can AnteAGE help with?

Wrinkles, fine lines, inflammation (main cause of aging), sun damage, acne scars, rosacea, dark spots, pore size, uneven skin tone.

What AnteAGE products & services are available?

AnteAGE Pro Accelerator
AnteAGE Pro Serum
AnteAGE Pro System (includes both the accelerator and serum)

All of these products work well on their own. Even greater improvements can be seen if complemented with Microneedling.

If you all really enjoy these products, we may introduce more AnteAGE products such as: Micro-channeling Solution - Anti-Aging, Micro-channeling Solution - Brightening, Micro-channeling Solution - Clarifying, AnteAGE Cleanser, and AnteAGE Regenzyme. Just leave your comments on Instagram to let us know! We are always listening and responding to your wants and needs.

Where can I buy AnteAGE products?

Created in California and available right here at our clinic! Visit us in store today!

How much do AnteAGE products and services cost?

AnteAGE products range from $130 to $199 CAD. Micro-Needling starts from $400 CAD.

Keep watch for Instagram and blog posts of my AnteAGE journey including before and after photos. Can't wait to share the results with you all!

Yours Sincerely,

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